Trust The Gospel
Things To Remember – ‘Trust The Gospel’
The gospel teaches us that salvation is always the work of the Savior, not the saved. Anything added to the good news of the Gospel of Jesus turns it into bad news. Remember to trust the gospel—it is God’s work, work done by the Divine, and it can be trusted.
This week’s #WholeLifeTakeAways:
- How have you practiced “fixing your eyes on Jesus” this week
- If someone asked you to define the “gospel” what would you say?
- Since the word “gospel” means good news what is the absolute good news?
- By placing responsibility for the gospel on us how does that change what should be good news into bad news?
- What are some ways the church might be guilty of turning good news into bad news?
- How is believing more of a result of Jesus’s work of reconciliation than the cause of that reconciling?
- What do you think about this statement? “if my doing is how I get the gospel then, even though it is a small performance of mine, my salvation ends up being at least partially my doing not Christ’s. This thinking robs Jesus of his glory.”
- When would the work of saving be the work of the saved instead of the work of the savior?
- How good is it that God no longer counting our sins against us?
Which of these takeaways resonated with you this week? We would love to hear your feedback and you can reach us at any of the methods below:
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Andy’s TakeAway from Titus 3
Once . . .
We, too, were foolish and disobedient.
We were misled by others and
We became slaves
to many wicked desires and evil pleasures.
Our lives were full of evil and envy.
We hated others and they hated us.
But then . . .
God our Savior showed us his kindness and love.
He saved us,
not because of the good things we did,
but because of his mercy.
He washed away our sins and
He gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit.
He generously poured out the Spirit upon us
because of what Jesus Christ our Savior did.
He declared us not guilty because of his
great kindness.
And Now
We know that we will inherit eternal life
-Paul in Titus 3:3-7 NLT 1996
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NEXT WEEK: WEEK 3 OF ANDY’S FINAL SERIES AT WLC: ‘Things To Remember’ – Love Each Other And Everyone Else.
The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own Phillip Burks -
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