Episode 59

Published on:

29th Jun 2021

This Is US: Acceptance

SERIES:  THIS IS US:  Forgiveness – Ken Wetmore

Fred “Mister” Rogers has been called the champion of radical acceptance. A Presbyterian minister, Mister Rogers took his cues about acceptance from Jesus. Jesus is the original champion of radical acceptance. Acceptance is not the endpoint of a relationship. It is the beginning. It allows transformation to occur in God’s time and God’s way.


This week our #WholeLifeTakeAways were: 

  • How do you struggle to accept? Which of the barriers to acceptance Ken spoke about are causing you to struggle? What do you need to do?
  • Think of Jesus’ interactions in the Gospels. How did he show acceptance for those he encountered?
  • Reflect on the people who have made you feel completely accepted. Reach out to at least one of them to express how they have made a difference in your life.


Which #TakeAway gave you a reason to pause, reflect, or share your thoughts?  Let us know by reaching out and sharing with us using one of the following:

 SUBSCRIBE NOW to our companion podcast; :15 With Andy, Randy, & Jeff where we dive deeper into the message and topic at hand with Pastor’s Ken and Jeff along with host Randy Magray.  It’s the perfect midweek commute podcast to stay in touch with what’s being talked about at WholeLIfe Church and we encourage your questions, comments, and feedback which we will share on the next episode!  Listen anywhere you find podcasts!


Thank you for listening!  Our show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, and anywhere you listen to podcasts!  If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media at the following links and while you’re there, say ‘hello’! 


Use the #hashtags: #WholeLifePodcast #WholeLifeTakeAways #ThisIsWholeLife #ThisIsUS

NEXT WEEK:  This is US:  Forgiveness.   This will be the 4th in our 8 part series that will examine in detail our values as a faith community at WholeLife Church.


The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own Phillip Burks - https://www.phillipburks.com/.

Find out more about WholeLife on our website: https://wholelife.church

Show artwork for Speaking of Grace

About the Podcast

Speaking of Grace
Messages of God's love and grace. Leading people into lifelong friendships with God.
The weekly message from the WholeLife Church in Orlando Florida. We are a multicultural and multigenerational faith community dedicated to being a church without walls, fully engaged in serving the people of our community. Thank you for joining us as we continue speaking of grace.

About your host

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WholeLife Church

WholeLife Church is a diverse congregation in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is loving people into a lifelong friendship with God.

We are . . . single, married, divorced, female, male, straight, LGBTQ, poor, rich, old, young. At WholeLife Church, we welcome any member of the community to join us in worship. We don’t care if you’re a practicing Christian or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We want to offer you grace and peace as you begin or continue your faith journey.

We are WholeLife Church, and we’re all welcome here.