Love Is...Flexible
Love Is…Flexible – Ken Wetmore
Love does not demand its own way. In other words, love is flexible. It allows others to exercise freedom. This does not mean there are no consequences. It simply means that true love is an open hand, not a closed hand. Someone once said that you can hold more sand with an open hand than with a hand made into a fist.
Our #WholeLifeReflections for this week:
- What is the most selfless action you have personally observed?
- How selfless and flexible are you in your relationships?
- Take a few minutes each day this week to visualize Jesus’ selflessness for you as He willingly went to the cross for you.
Which of the reflections or sermon snippets resonated with you this week? Reach out to us with your questions and comments using the information below:
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Our companion podcast, This Is WholeLife, is where we dive deeper into the message and topic at hand with Pastor Ken and Pastor Jeff along with host Randy Magray. It’s the perfect midweek commute podcast to stay in touch with what’s being talked about at WholeLife Church and we encourage your questions, comments, and feedback which we will share on the next episode!
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NEXT WEEK 10/30/21: ‘Love Is…Not Irritable’ by Ken Wetmore
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The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own, Phillip Burks -
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