Episode 53

Published on:

18th May 2021

Hard, Scary, Important, and Beautiful Change

Transitions: Navigating Change – ‘Hard, Scary, Important, and Beautiful Change’

 – by Jo Newell

Change is hard and change is scary. However, change can be important and beautiful. Jo will share stories of when she was faced with hard, scary, important, and beautiful change and how God’s mercy and grace brought her through each of these experiences and what it taught her.

 This week’s #WholeLifeTakeAways

  • What is the hardest change you've navigated?
  • Why do you believe God allows us to go through change?
  • What are some best practices you can implement to help navigate change?
  • Why is change important?
  • What was a positive change or transition you navigated in the past year?

Which of these takeaways resonate with you most? Please let us know by using one of the following:

  • Text/Voicemail:  407-965-1607
  • Email:  podcast@wholelife.church
  • WLC Mobile App:  Media Tab/Podcast Banner and Use Text and Email links
  • Social Media:  #WholeLifePodcast/ #WholeLifeTakeAways

JOIN US LIVE FOR ‘THE LOOP’! Every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. EST our interactive worship service goes live to the internet to engage with you! Ask questions, submit videos or ideas so that we can all grow closer as a community of believers. You can attend in person or online at www.WholeLife.Church/LIVE. Please login to the ‘chatroll’ chat feature so we can meet you personally and take your thoughts and questions!


Thank you for listening!  If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please share it on social media.  Our show is available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iHeart Radio, and everywhere you can listen to podcasts


NEXT WEEK: We continue our annual summer series featuring the voices of WholeLife Church members; Transitions: Navigating Change – ‘Something Old, Something New’ by Adonna Andino.         


The theme music for Speaking of Grace was written, produced, and performed by WholeLife Church’s own Phillip Burks - https://www.phillipburks.com/.


Download the WholeLife Church Mobile App! It is available for both Apple and Android.


Say hello on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wholelifeorl, Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wholelifeorlando, and Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholelifeorlando!  Use the #hashtags:  #WholeLifePodcast #WholeLifeTakeaways #ThisIsWholeLife #NavigatingChange

Show artwork for Speaking of Grace

About the Podcast

Speaking of Grace
Messages of God's love and grace. Leading people into lifelong friendships with God.
The weekly message from the WholeLife Church in Orlando Florida. We are a multicultural and multigenerational faith community dedicated to being a church without walls, fully engaged in serving the people of our community. Thank you for joining us as we continue speaking of grace.

About your host

Profile picture for WholeLife Church

WholeLife Church

WholeLife Church is a diverse congregation in Orlando, Florida. Our mission is loving people into a lifelong friendship with God.

We are . . . single, married, divorced, female, male, straight, LGBTQ, poor, rich, old, young. At WholeLife Church, we welcome any member of the community to join us in worship. We don’t care if you’re a practicing Christian or got lost in traffic and wound up here by mistake. We want to offer you grace and peace as you begin or continue your faith journey.

We are WholeLife Church, and we’re all welcome here.